Please visit the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna website for detailed information about Viktor Frankl and his theory and philosophy on LOGOTHERAOY:

Dr. Viktor E. Frankl MD, PhD (1905-1997), the world-renowned Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist, Holocaust survivor, founder of Logotherapy, and author of the bestselling, inspirational book Man's Search for Meaning, among others. We are dedicated to promoting the work of Viktor Frankl, in affiliation with the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. Frankl found his mission in helping others find meaning in their existence


LOGOS is a Greek word, here translated as ‘meaning’

  • Rests on the pillars of Responsibility and Freedom.

  • Is an integral meaning and purpose-centered psychotherapy

  • Is rooted in Frankl’s great appreciation and understanding of the innermost dynamics of human existence and strives to teach the most effective way of navigating and living your life

  • Teaches that happiness, peace of mind, satisfaction and success are the rich by-products of finding meaning

  • Teaches that individuals can transcend the self to use the defiant power of the human spirit in order to face suffering, loss, tragedy, pain, inner emptiness, and perceived meaninglessness

  • Teaches that each one of us has a purpose in life

  • Fosters the value of attitude and attitudinal change – to pick up your life’s burden and walk, become stronger and discover the wisdom of the experiences and dynamics of your life - no matter what life has thrown at you

  • teaches that the human person consists of three dimensions: body, mind and spirit - soma, psyche and nóos

  • the human spirit can never be sick, though access to it may be blocked by how you choose to live

  The search for meaning will take you to the awareness and consciousness of yourself…

  • Your greatest personal freedom lies in your attitude - your response to life's questions

  • Meaning can be found in every moment and everything you do and every experience you encounter

Therapy is a process of exploring the individual’s past and present behaviour and actions, experiences and attitudes. It addresses the intrinsic, conscious and unconscious operant values related to dignity and the freedom to take responsibility