The UK and Canada Institute of Logotherapy, Viktor Frank’s Psychology
Founded by Dr. Doreen M. Francis-Hofstetter in 2009 - is the first of its kind!
We provide:
Education in Logotherapy/Franklian Psychology - in Distance Learning Format and virtual tutorials and On-Site Group Workshop Format (by request)
Professional Clinical Supervision - Individual and Group Supervision
Psychotherapeutic Logotherapy Counselling
To help you to initiate your Journey toward Meaning And Purpose
To acquaint you with the philosophical, theoretical, and psychological concepts of Viktor Frankl
To empower you to use the Logotherapy Principles to have the Success that you desire – to reach your highest potential
Meaning And Purpose (MAP) is the Science Of Success (SOS) is a Concept with two branches of the same tree – that of LOGOS – the pillars of Freedom and Responsibility
One branch is that of the philosophy of Meaning and Purpose in life which has been a part of humanity since time began. Realizing Meaning in Life makes us aware of our Purpose.
The other is the branch of biological, psychological, sociological, economic, and political Science – which has been researched, studied and discussed widely by all the great scientific and philosophical thinkers of our times – there is deep and wide evidence to show that living a life of meaning and purpose is the only way to our highest potential of mental and emotional well-being.
Therefore, the process of discovering Meaning and Purpose in your life is the Science of Success.
You can achieve your highest potential
Take responsibility for yourself and your life
Make a change – a small change - and see your life bear the fruits of success
This is a process that begins with attitudinal change. It takes courage and willingness to take responsibility to face your fears and transmute them to strengths that bring you a sense of meaning and the knowledge that you have a purpose in life
Viktor Frankl -